Ga direct van start met de nummer 1 management methode

Wereldwijd passen talloze organisaties succesvol de Leading with Obeya methode toe, gecreerd door Tim wiegel, beschreven in zijn gelijknamige boek. De methode is eenvoudig en direct te integreren in iedere organisatie.

  • 97% effectief volgens eindgebruikers
  • Toepasbaar in alle type organisaties
  • Revolutionair in zijn eenvoud
  • Voor Coaches, leidinggevende en individuen

Wat lees je in deze Startersgids
Leer op een zeer overzichtelijke, toegankelijke manier de essentie van de methode en bepaal aan de hand van de stap voor stap uitleg of de methode iets voor je is.

Unlock Effective Management Routines

Dive into the essence of Leading with Obeya with our starter guide. Explore the power of visualization and learn how Leading with Obeya can transform your organizational communication. Understand the dynamics of how your team thinks and acts, and how meetings and roles within the Obeya can lead to unparalleled efficiency and clarity.


Download Free LWO Starter Guide

Obeya e-learning

Obeya: The Big Room Concept

Ever wonder about the power behind the term “Obeya”? It’s more than just a “big room” as translated from Japanese. Born from Toyota’s innovative spirit, Obeya stands as a key element in an efficient and pioneering management system. But the magic isn’t just the space—it’s about the transformative behaviors and leadership qualities it fosters, emphasizing continuous improvement, a learning culture, and respect.




Leading with Obeya

Leading With Obeya is the only method that extends the Obeya concept to leadership and management. It combines visual management with leadership principles, enabling leaders and teams to set and achieve strategic goals together.

The method emphasizes rhythm and routine: not just visual information, but especially regular conversations and set routines within the Obeya, which enhances engagement and understanding and encourages collective, purposeful action.


Download Free LWO Starter Guide

“Everything became increasingly clear and puzzle pieces fell more and more into place!” – Mignon Buijnsters, Process Expert – ING Nederland

“Educational and inspiring” – Jelle Luijnenburg, Agile Coach – Gemeente Amsterdam

“This is the Way!” – Raymond Buis, Release Train Engineer – ASR

“Really focused on learning together as well as a lot of fun!” – Marije Witvliet, Capability Manager – Aegon

“Highly recommended for anyone who seriously wants to work with Obeya” – Lisette Graafsma, Agile Coach – NS

“I’m really looking forward to getting started with this” – Désirée Tieben-Busse, Agile/Lean Coach – Politie Nederland

Download the Free Starter Guide!

The LWO Starter Guide offers a practical introduction to this method, aimed at strengthening leadership skills. Learn in 15 minutes how you can apply this approach to lead your team towards common goals, with clear communication and collaborative decision-making.