Leading with Obeya - the book

When Tim Wiegel was introduced to the concept of Obeya in 2014, pieces of a puzzle fell into place. This resulted in the book “Leading with Obeya” available in Dutch and English.

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Toyota Prius

The Obeya (Japanese for “big room”) is a physical space where visual management is used to align operational teams and leadership in their efforts to translate strategy into meaningful daily work and results.

Toyota began using Obeya during the development of the Prius in the 1990s. Both the car itself and the way it was developed were a huge success both from a project management astandpoint as well as the car becoming the most successful hybrid car in the world.

Connecting strategy with execution

Obeya is the missing piece of the puzzle for alignment between leadership and operational teams. It helps develop the ability to conduct meetings that connect strategy with execution and create a meaningful reality-based context and avoid distractions such as bias, ego and excessive complexity.

Obeya helps teams

When deployed to lead teams or the organization, Obeya supports the development of a systematic approach to leadership that enables consistent, coherent and effective decision-making. Leading With Obeya helps teams move from firefighting to sustainably improving the performance of their organizational system.

Tim Wiegel

Author of Leading with Obeya

Tim Wiegel is a dedicated Obeya coach who has witnessed firsthand the groundbreaking changes within teams when strategy leads to meaningful action and achievement. He believes in a better world through developing better leadership. He is committed to developing community knowledge of Obeya through the Obeya Knowledge Network on Linkedin and Meetup and by providing training and coaching and training coaches in the Leading with Obeya method.

The book ‘Leading with Obeya’

The book is the result of his research on leadership, psychology, Lean and Agile practices and describes a visual leadership approach in a physical space where leaders can practice and develop their skills.

The book applies Lean and Agile practices, as well as success factors for project, program and portfolio management. The book is written in an accessible no-nonsense way and instead of throwing around terminologies, the author takes you to the ‘intention’ behind the beautiful words.

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Would you like to learn more about Obeya, our training courses or the book? Please feel free to contact us. Did you know that you can also gain more knowledge from other managers who apply the Obeya method? You can read more about our network here.

Tim Wiegel

Obeya coach, trainer & author of Leadership with Obeya

085 0609 411