Jumpstart your Leading with Obeya journey today

Since 2019, countless organisations worldwide have successfully applied the Leading with Obeya method (LWO), described by founder Tim Wiegel in his eponymous book. The method is simple and instantly integratable into any organisation.

  • 97% effective according to end users
  • Applicable in all types of organisations
  • Revolutionary in its simplicity
  • For any team that wants to take strategy execution seriously

What to read in this Starter Guide

Learn the essentials of the method in a very clear, accessible way, and use the step-by-step explanations to determine whether the method is for you.

Download your free LWO Checklist here

Join the ever-growing group of organisations that have implemented Leading with Obeya

Is the Leading with Obeya method for you?

Are you a coach, trainer, manager or executive and do you recognise the following in your team or organisation?

  • Ineffective meetings
  • Departments are poorly aligned
  • Employees spend too much time on peripheral issues
  • Goals are not pursued in a structural manner

The Leading with Obeya method eliminates ineffective procedures and practices. A whole new form of collaboration takes root resulting in a radical turnaround in the performance of your team, department and the entire organisation.


Read more about the method

Ready for the next step?

We have created several tools especially for coaches, managers and leaders to make adoption as comprehensive and targeted as possible. From books to online courses to a globally recognised standard for trainers.

Buy the book
Take the introductory e-training course
Follow the online foundation e-training

Download your free LWO Checklist here


This guide really helps you take the first steps with this innovative method

  • You will learn about the power of visualisation
  • How the Obeya board works
  • How the division of roles is within your team
How your team thinks and acts
  • How to hold meetings in the Leading with Obeya environment