What is the LWO method? Discover its value for your Obeya now

LWO method for Obeya

The LWO (Leading with Obeya) method is a structured approach to using Obeya as a powerful visual management tool. Obeya, Japanese for “big room,” is a space where teams come together to visualize strategy, performance, and problems, and solve them collectively. Although Obeya can be applied in various ways, such as in product development or event planning, this alone does not make it a method. In this article, we explain the added value of the Leading with Obeya (LWO) method when working with Obeya.

Obeya is more than just a room with boards

Why the LWO method? Many organizations enthusiastically start using Obeya but soon discover that it can be challenging to make it work effectively. This is because using a visual instrument like Obeya requires more than just putting information on boards. Toyota, where Obeya originally came from, has built extensive experience and expertise in successfully using this approach. However, many other teams often lack the knowledge and experience needed to make Obeya work effectively.

Why many teams struggle with Obeya

At Toyota, Obeya is deeply rooted in a culture of Lean and continuous improvement. Toyota teams have the methodologies, routines, and skills to make optimal use of the Obeya. However, for many organizations outside Toyota, this is not the case. Without the right guidance or method, we often see that Obeya initiatives quickly lose their impact. Teams can fill visual boards, but they lack the context and approach to use this visual information effectively to achieve strategic objectives.

The Leading with Obeya (LWO) method offers a solution

This is where the Leading with Obeya (LWO) method comes into play. The LWO method is a complete guide for effectively using Obeya, specifically designed to support management teams and executives in executing their strategy. It leverages the proven power of visual management instruments, like the Obeya, but supplements them with a detailed methodology. This allows teams to work systematically toward achieving their goals.

The LWO method provides teams with the same foundational components that Toyota teams use to be successful with their Obeyas. This ensures that teams, regardless of their experience, learn how to use Obeya in a structured way to lead their organization and achieve their strategic goals.

The added value of the LWO method

What makes the Leading with Obeya method particularly valuable is that it not only addresses the technical aspects of working with Obeya but also the mindset and routines needed for success. It offers teams and leaders the tools and support to master both the visual management techniques and the daily routines effectively.

The LWO method is rich in resources that support teams in successfully using their Obeya. These include:

  • Leadership self-scan: A self-scan tool that allows leaders to assess the effectiveness of their leadership system and see if LWO is valuable for them.
  • Templates and tools: For setting up effective boards, both virtually and physically, tailored to the unique needs of a team.
  • Meeting routines: Structured routines for holding Obeya sessions, ensuring continuous monitoring and improvement of progress.
  • Virtual and physical boards: Flexible options for teams working physically or remotely, with visual tools to help track strategic direction, performance, and problems.
  • Book and workshops: The book Leading with Obeya and accompanying workshops offer in-depth explanations of the methodology and practical examples.
  • Events and training: Various events and training sessions for teams and individuals who want to specialize in the method, helping them get the most out of their Obeya.

With all these resources, the LWO method provides a comprehensive approach to leadership and strategic execution, addressing both the visual management aspects and the human and organizational side of change.

The LWO method is used worldwide, but it is also popular in the Netherlands, as you can read in this interview with the author, Tim Wiegel, and Joris Verheij about the method’s application at Volksbank.

Want to learn more about the Leading with Obeya method or start using it yourself? Visit leadingwithobeya.com for more information, tools, and access to the LWO community.