I think we can all agree that #2023 will be full of interesting challenges. Have you adapted your organization’s #strategy to cope with the changes and challenges we face today?
If yes, beautiful! So have you adapted the way you put that strategy into practice?
It’s probably worth taking a look at this if you want your strategy to become more than just a slick Powerpoint deck that eventually collects dust in your filing cabinet…
The Leadership System is the way the organizations set goals, drive performance towards those goals and includes a way of working that enables coherence, cohesion and consistency across the organization.
The pressure on the #leadership system has never been higher. Executives in organizations are faced with a world inside and outside the walls of the organization that demands more #agility and at the same time a huge need for a consistent #vision in where to go.
If you keep doing what you did, you keep getting what you got.
Are you sure that your leadership system is suitable for these challenges? We’ve prepared a simple self-scanning tool with a set of questions to help you think about this question at the start of the year. ️